Overbeyond is composed by Élise & Vincent, french musicians based in Paris, they started Overbeyond in 1998.

We are also playing in the electro-gothique band
In Memoria

Influenced by bands such as Suicide Commando, Dive, Velvet Acid Christ or Kirlian Camera, our music is an original, personnal and varied approach of Dark-Electro

The project is no more, we split while mixing the album, you can still listen to samples...

Listen to samples of the demo in Real Audio


  1. Anguish
  2. Swirl
  3. Shock
  4. The "M" Process
  5. Worlock
  6. The Wish to Live
  7. Shock (2nd release)
  8. Memories of a Love Left Behind

Listen to all samples by clicking here

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